Build a Telegram Mini App
Telegram Mini Apps is a platform that allows integrating web apps and games into Telegram Messenger.
Create an App ID
First step of creating your Telegram Mini App is to create an app ID. Find their instructions in their documentation.
Create a Project
3D UI with React in Wonderland Engine
Tutorial on getting started with the React UI library for Wonderland Engine.
Handling 3D Cursor Clicks
How to run JavaScript when an object is clicked with the 3D cursor (VR, AR & 3D).
How to build XR-only Components
How to make components only activate during XR sessions.
Streaming .bin files at Runtime
Loading Wonderland Engine .bin files at runtime.
Switching Scenes
How to switch scenes to load different levels or parts of a world.
Writing Components in Typescript
How to set up Typescript for use in custom components.
Writing JavaScript Libraries
Tutorial on creating your own JavaScript libraries for Wonderland Engine.
Exporting Wonderland Engine Mesh as OBJ file
How to export Wonderland Engine Mesh as OBJ for debugging runtime generated meshes.
Rendering Simplified Chinese Characters
How to set up text rendering for Simplified Chinese fonts.
Background Effect
How to render sky, background images, and gradients.
Exporting Models from Blender
Exporting GLB files from Blender for import in the Wonderland Editor.
Introduction to Texture Atlasses
How to use texture atlasses, when and how to increase or decrease their sizes.
Loading GLTF/GLB at Runtime
How to load GLTF or GLB files at runtime from URLs.
Changing Material Properties at Runtime
Changing material properties at runtime with JavaScript for interaction or animation.
Setup an NPM Project
How to set up an NPM project for your Wonderland Engine project.
Create a Texture with Canvas2D
Painting your own textures at runtime with JavaScript Canvas.
Spawning Objects at Runtime
How to create objects in JavaScript.