Port of a Meta Quest Store VR game to WebXR.
VR Puzzle game with incredibly rich narrative and polished UX.
Sci-fi VR archery game, playable for free on heyVR.io.
VR archery game, playable for free on heyVR.io.
Personal WebXR study by Ayushman Johir with baked lighting.
Example showing off image-based lighting.
Example showing off morph targets / blend shapes.
Example showing off the physical material and its properties.
Example showing off bloom and tone mapping.
Showcase of advanced WebAR rendering on Variant Launch based SLAM tracking.
Relaxing brick-building game for Virtual- and Mixed Reality.
Example of how to translate an app to many languages.
Example of how to create a dust mote effect.
Passthrough rendering, plane detection and anchors.
Custom matcap shader implementation.
VR climbing game, playable for free on heyVR.io.
Example of a custom shader for fake reflections.
A classic in graphics programming.
Example showing off Normal Map support.
VR website with information layed out spatially.
Shows runtime mesh generation using the JavaScript API.
Simple example of hand tracking with a skinned hand mesh for the Oculus Quest 1 / 2.
Simple demonstration of Physics via PhysX in Wonderland Engine.
Example of automatic optimization of a draw-call heavy scene.
Simple demo of a video texture in 3D space.
Simple example of how to query collider overlaps.
Example of how to play animations from a GLTF file on click interaction.
Simple example of hand tracking for the Meta Quest.
Mesh particles in JavaScript showing off many dynamic objects.
Simple example of skinned animations in Wonderland Engine.
Example of how to set up a basic smoke particle effect.
Implementation of a teleport mechanic.
Example showing off our text rendering which uses the Slug library.
Open-source WebXR game, on heyVR.io.