.Alignment: enum 

Alignment type enum for TextComponent.


Center11Text center is at object origin
Left00Text start is at object origin
Right22Text end is at object origin

.AnimationState: enum 

Animation state of AnimationComponent.


Paused11Animation is paused and will continue at current playback time on play
Playing00Animation is currently playing
Stopped22Animation is stopped

.Collider: enum 

Collider type enum for CollisionComponent.


AxisAlignedBox11Axis Aligned Bounding Box Collider: Box that is always aligned to XYZ axis. It cannot be rotated but is more efficient than Box.
Box22Aligned Bounding Box Collider: Box that matches the object’s rotation and translation correctly. This is the least efficient collider and should only be chosen over Sphere and AxisAlignedBox if really necessary.
Sphere00Sphere Collider: Simplest and most performant collision shape. If this type is set on a CollisionComponent, only the first component of extents will be used to determine the radius.

.CollisionEventType: enum 

Collision callback event type.


Touch00Touch/contact detected, collision
TouchLost11Touch/contact lost, uncollide
TriggerTouch22Touch/contact with trigger detected
TriggerTouchLost33Touch/contact with trigger lost

.ForceMode: enum 

Rigid body force mode for addForce and addTorque.

PhysX API Reference


Acceleration33Apply as mass dependent force
Force00Apply as force
Impulse11Apply as impulse
VelocityChange22Apply as velocity change, mass dependent

.InputType: enum 

Input type enum for InputComponent.


ControllerLeft33Left controller input
ControllerRight44Right controller input
EyeLeft11Left eye input
EyeRight22Right eye input
Head00Head input
RayLeft55Left ray input
RayRight66Right ray input

.LightType: enum 

Light type enum for LightComponent.


Point00Point light
Spot11Spot light
Sun22Sun light / Directional light

.LockAxis: enum 

Enum for Physics axes locking

See angularLockAxis and linearLockAxis.


None00No axis selected.
X11X axis:
Y22Y axis:
Z44Z axis:

.LogLevel: enum 

Logging levels supported by Logger.



.LogTag: enum 

Default set of logging tags used by the API.


Component22Component init, update, etc…
Engine00Initialization, component registration, etc…
Scene11Scene loading

.MaterialParamType: enum 

Material parameter type.


Float33Float parameter type.
Font55Font resource parameter type. Note: Changing font isn’t exposed yet and will raise an error.
HalfFloat2216-bit float parameter type.
Int11Integer parameter type.
Sampler44Sampler resource parameter type, i.e., a Texture.
UnsignedInt00Unsigned integer parameter type.

.MeshAttribute: enum 


Mesh attribute enum.


Color44Color attribute, 4 floats, RGBA, range 0 to 1
JointId55Joint id attribute, 8 unsigned ints
JointWeight66Joint weights attribute, 8 floats
Normal22Normal attribute, 3 floats
Position00Position attribute, 3 floats
Tangent11Tangent attribute, 4 floats
TextureCoordinate33Texture coordinate attribute, 2 floats

.MeshIndexType: enum 

Mesh index type.


UnsignedByte11Single byte mesh index, range 0-255
UnsignedInt44Four byte mesh index, range 0-4294967295
UnsignedShort22Two byte mesh index, range 0-65535

.MeshSkinningType: enum 

Mesh skinning type.


EightJoints22Skinned, 8 joints/weight per vertex
FourJoints11Skinned, 4 joints/weight per vertex
None00Not skinned

.ProjectionType: enum 

Projection type enum for ViewComponent.


Orthographic11Orthographic projection
Perspective00Perspective projection

.RootMotionMode: enum 

Root motion mode of AnimationComponent.


ApplyToOwner11Move and rotate root with the delta of its motion
None00Do nothing
Script22Store the motion to be retrieved by a JS script

.Shape: enum 

Rigid body shape.

PhysX SDK Guide.


Box33Box shape.
Capsule22Capsule shape.
ConvexMesh55Convex mesh shape.
None00No shape.
Plane44Plane shape.
Sphere11Sphere shape.
TriangleMesh66Triangle mesh shape.

.TextEffect: enum 

Effect type enum for TextComponent.


None00Text is rendered normally
Outline11Text is rendered with an outline
Shadow22Text is rendered with a drop shadow

.TextWrapMode: enum 


Wrap mode enum for TextComponent.


Clip33Text is cut off
Hard22Text wraps anywhere
None00Text doesn’t wrap automatically, only with explicit newline
Soft11Text wraps at word boundaries

.Type: enum 

Component property type.


Animation1010Animation reference: Appears in the editor as an animation resource selection dropdown. Initial value is null.
Bool11Bool: Appears in the editor as a checkbox. Initial value is false, unless overridden by the default property.
Color1212Color: Appears in the editor as a color widget. Initial value is [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], unless overridden by the default property.
Enum55Enumeration: Appears in the editor as a dropdown with given values. The additional values parameter with selection options is mandatory. The property value is resolved to an index into the values array. Initial value is the first element in values, unless overridden by the default property. The default value can be a string or an index into values. Example: js camera: {type: Type.Enum, values: ['auto', 'back', 'front'], default: 'auto'},
Float33Float: Appears in the editor as a floating point input field. Initial value is 0.0, unless overridden by the default property.
Int22Int: Appears in the editor as an integer input field. Initial value is 0, unless overridden by the default property.
Material99Material reference: Appears in the editor as a material resource selection dropdown. Initial value is null.
Mesh77Mesh reference: Appears in the editor as a mesh resource selection dropdown. Initial value is null.
Object66Object reference: Appears in the editor as an object resource selection dropdown with object picker. Initial value is null.
Skin1111Skin reference: Appears in the editor as a skin resource selection dropdown. Initial value is null.
String44String / Text: Appears in the editor as a single-line text input field. Initial value is an empty string, unless overridden by the default property.
Texture88Texture reference: Appears in the editor as a texture resource selection dropdown. Initial value is null.
Vector21313Vector of two floats: Appears in the editor as a two-element floating point input field. Initial value is [0.0, 0.0], unless overridden by the default property.
Vector31414Vector of three floats: Appears in the editor as a three-element floating point input field. Initial value is [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], unless overridden by the default property.
Vector41515Vector of four floats: Appears in the editor as a four-element floating point input field. Initial value is [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], unless overridden by the default property.

.VerticalAlignment: enum 

Vertical alignment type enum for TextComponent.


Bottom33Text bottom is at object origin
Line00Text line is at object origin
Middle11Text middle is at object origin
Top22Text top is at object origin

.APIVersion: Version 

Version of this API.

.CBOR: { decode: <T>(data: Uint8Array, tagger: Tagger, options: Options) ⇒ T; } 

.DestroyedComponentInstance: { _ } 

Proxy used to override prototypes of destroyed components.

.DestroyedObjectInstance: { _ } 

Proxy used to override prototypes of destroyed objects.

.DestroyedPrefabInstance: { _ } 

Proxy used to override prototypes of destroyed prefabs.

.Justification: typeof VerticalAlignment 

Justification type enum for TextComponent.

Deprecated: Please use VerticalAlignment instead.

.Property: { (opts: PropertyReferenceOptions) ⇒ ComponentProperty; (defaultValue: boolean) ⇒ ComponentProperty; (r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number) ⇒ ComponentProperty; (values: string[], defaultValue: string | number) ⇒ ComponentProperty; (defaultValue: number) ⇒ ComponentProperty; (defaultValue: number) ⇒ ComponentProperty; (opts: PropertyReferenceOptions) ⇒ ComponentProperty; (opts: PropertyReferenceOptions) ⇒ ComponentProperty; (opts: PropertyReferenceOptions) ⇒ ComponentProperty; (opts: PropertyReferenceOptions) ⇒ ComponentProperty; (defaultValue: string) ⇒ ComponentProperty; (opts: PropertyReferenceOptions) ⇒ ComponentProperty; (x: number, y: number) ⇒ ComponentProperty; (x: number, y: number, z: number) ⇒ ComponentProperty; (x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number) ⇒ ComponentProperty; } 

Component property namespace.


 1import {Component, Property} from '@wonderlandengine/api';
 3class MyComponent extends Component {
 4    static Properties = {
 5        myBool: Property.bool(true),
 6        myInt: Property.int(42),
 7        myString: Property.string('Hello World!'),
 8        myMesh: Property.mesh(),
 9    }

For TypeScript users, you can use the decorators instead.

.defaultPropertyCloner: DefaultPropertyCloner 

Default cloner for property values.

.capitalizeFirstUTF8(str: string) ⇒ string 

Capitalize the first letter in a string.

Note: The string must be UTF-8.

Returns: The string with the first letter capitalized.

strstringThe string to format.

.checkRuntimeCompatibility(version: Version) ⇒ void 

Ensures that this API is compatible with the given runtime version.

We only enforce compatibility for major and minor components, i.e., the runtime and the API must both be of the form x.y.*.

Throws: If the major or the minor components are different.

versionVersionThe target version

.clamp(val: number, min: number, max: number) ⇒ number 

Clamp the value in the range [min; max].

Returns: The clamped value.

valnumberThe value to clamp.
minnumberThe minimum value (inclusive).
maxnumberThe maximum value (inclusive).

.createDestroyedProxy(type: string) ⇒ { _ } 

Create a proxy throwing destroyed errors upon access.

Returns: The proxy instance

typestringThe type to display upon error

.fetchStreamWithProgress(path: string, onProgress: ProgressCallback, signal: AbortSignal) ⇒ Promise<ReadableStream<Uint8Array» 

Fetch a file as a ReadableStream, with fetch progress passed to a callback.

Returns: Promise that resolves when the fetch successfully completes.

pathstringPath of the file to fetch.
onProgressProgressCallbackCallback receiving the current fetch progress and total size, in bytes. Also called a final time on completion.
signalAbortSignalAbort signal passed to fetch().

.fetchWithProgress(path: string, onProgress: ProgressCallback, signal: AbortSignal) ⇒ Promise 

Fetch a file as an ArrayBuffer, with fetch progress passed to a callback.

Returns: Promise that resolves when the fetch successfully completes.

pathstringPath of the file to fetch.
onProgressProgressCallbackCallback receiving the current fetch progress and total size, in bytes. Also called a final time on completion.
signalAbortSignalAbort signal passed to fetch().

.getBaseUrl(url: string) ⇒ string 

Get parent path from a URL.

Returns: Parent URL without trailing slash.

urlstringURL to get the parent from.

.getFilename(url: string) ⇒ string 

Get the filename of a url.

Returns: A string containing the filename. If no filename is found, returns the input string.

urlstringThe url to extract the name from.

.isImageLike(value: any) ⇒ value is ImageLike 

Check whether a given value is a visual media.

Returns: true if the value is an image, video, or canvas.

valueanyThe value to check

.isNumber(value: any) ⇒ value is number 

Check if a given value is a native number or a Number instance.

Returns: true if the value has type number literal or Number, false otherwise.

valueanyThe value to check.

.isString(value: any) ⇒ value is string 

Check if a given value is a native string or a String instance.

Returns: true if the value has type string literal or String, false otherwise.

valueanyThe value to check.

.loadRuntime(runtime: string, options: Partial<LoadRuntimeOptions>) ⇒ Promise<WonderlandEngine

Load the runtime using the WASM and JS files.

Returns: A promise that resolves when the engine is ready to be used.

runtimestringThe runtime base string, e.g,: WonderlandRuntime-loader-physx.
optionsPartial<LoadRuntimeOptions>Options to modify the loading behaviour.

.onImageReady<T>(image: T) ⇒ Promise 

Promise resolved once the image is ready to be used

Returns: A promise with the image, once it’s ready to be used.

imageTThe image, video, or canvas to wait for.
Template ParamType Definition
Textends ImageLike

.timeout(time: number) ⇒ Promise<void

Schedule a timeout, resolving in time milliseconds.

Note: setTimeout being a macro-task, this method can be use as a debounce call.

Returns: A promise resolving in time ms.

timenumberThe time until it resolves, in milliseconds.