
Native collision component.

Provides access to a native collision component instance.

.TypeName: string 

.collider: Collider 

Collision component collider


Set collision component collider.

.extents: Float32Array 

Collision component extents.

If collider returns Sphere, only the first component of the returned vector is used.


Set collision component extents.

If collider returns Sphere, only the first component of the passed vector is used.


1// Spans 1 unit on the x-axis, 2 on the y-axis, 3 on the z-axis.
2collision.extent = [1, 2, 3];

.group: number 

Collision component group.

The groups is a bitmask that is compared to other components in queryOverlaps or the group in rayCast.

Colliders that have no common groups will not overlap with each other. If a collider has none of the groups set for rayCast, the ray will not hit it.

Each bit represents belonging to a group, see example.

 1   // c belongs to group 2
 2 = (1 << 2);
 4   // c belongs to group 0
 5 = (1 << 0);
 7   // c belongs to group 0 *and* 2
 8 = (1 << 0) | (1 << 2);
10   ( & (1 << 2)) != 0; // true
11   ( & (1 << 7)) != 0; // false


Set collision component group.

.radius: number 

Get collision component radius.

Note: If collider is not Sphere, the returned value corresponds to the radius of a sphere enclosing the shape.


1sphere.radius = 3.0;
2console.log(sphere.radius); // 3.0
4box.extents = [2.0, 2.0, 2.0];
5console.log(box.radius); // 1.732...


Set collision component radius.

Note: If collider is not Sphere, the extents are set to form a square that fits a sphere with the provided radius.


1aabbCollision.radius = 2.0; // AABB fits a sphere of radius 2.0
2boxCollision.radius = 3.0; // Box now fits a sphere of radius 3.0, keeping orientation

.queryOverlaps() ⇒ CollisionComponent[] 

Query overlapping objects.


1const collision = object.getComponent('collision');
2const overlaps = collision.queryOverlaps();
3for(const otherCollision of overlaps) {
4    const otherObject = otherCollision.object;
5    console.log(`Collision with object ${otherObject.objectId}`);

Returns: Collision components overlapping this collider.