Wonderland Editor Views

Find hidden views in the top menu bar “Views”.

Essential Views 

You will need the following views very frequently:

Global Hotkeys 

Hotkeys that work anywhere in the editor.

Ctrl/Cmd + SSave Project
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + PPackage project
F5Package, start server and open browser
Ctrl/Cmd + ZUndo last action
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + ZRedo last undone action

Scene View 

Shows a 3D view of the current project’s scene.

Drag and drop material resources onto objects to change the first mesh component’s material.

Drag and drop texture resources onto objects to change the first texture of the first mesh component’s material.


Left Mouse ClickSelect only object under cursor
Shift + Left Mouse ClickAdd object under cursor to selection
Shift + Ctrl/Cmd + Left Mouse ClickSnap selected object transformation to object under cursor
FFocus selected object
BBox selection tool
G“Grab”, switch to translation gizmo. Will switch to local space, if translation gizmo was already active.
R“Rotate”, switch to rotation gizmo. Will switch to local space, if translation gizmo was already active.
S“Scale”, switch to scaling gizmo
CtrlWhile using a gizmo, will enable snapping while held.
DelDelete selected object
Ctrl/Cmd + CCopy selected object
Ctrl/Cmd + VPase object
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + VPaste object as child of selected object
Ctrl/Cmd + DDuplicate selected object
Numpad 7Set view facing downwards
Shift + Numpad 7Set view facing upwards
Numpad 1Set view facing forwards
Shift + Numpad 1Set view facing backwards
Numpad 3Set view facing to the left
Shift + Numpad 3Set view facing to the right

While holding down Shift + right mouse button, viewport navigation is enabled:

W/A/S/DMove Forward/Left/Down/Right
Q/EMove Up/Down
Drag MouseLook around

While holding down middle mouse button, you are panning the camera:

Drag MousePan camera

Asset Browser 

Shows files in the project directory.

Right-click empty space to create a new JavaScript component.


Logs messages of current events in the editor.

Disable “Info”, “Warnings” or “Errors” to see other messages more clearly.

Scene Outline 

Shows the hierarchy of the objects in the scene.

Drag and drop objects to reparent.

Drag and drop objects from here onto object resource slots in component properties.


DelDelete selected object
Ctrl/Cmd + CCopy selected object
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + CCopy selected object hierarchy
Ctrl/Cmd + VPase object
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + VPaste object as child of selected object
Ctrl/Cmd + DDuplicate selected object


Shows properties of selected objects.

For any component, you can click the three dots and its documentation will open in the browser. You can also open the JavaScript source files of the components from here.

Project Settings 

Settings for the entire project.

Ranges from rendering settings, paths from which JavaScript files will be taken, VR and AR setup options, Physics and Runtime settings.


Shows tables for all the resources currently managed in the project.

Contains additional optimization options for some reasources, allows renaming by double-click on the resource name, some can be deleted and duplicated by right-clicking on the resource.

You can drag and drop resources into component properties from here.

You can drag and drop materials and textures onto objects in the Scene View from here.

Project Data 

A debug view that shows the internal JSON files for the project.


When a runtime is active in a browser and is able to connect via WebSocket to localhost:8080, the runtime will send profiling data every 30 frames. This will also work for Android clients connected via adb with port forwarding enabled (e.g. for Oculus Quest or smartphones).

The data is presented by this view in a graph.

You can switch the connected runtime via the dropbox at the top.


Global editor preferences that are stored per computer.

You can disable notifcations and tweak startup options here.