Using Plugins

Enabling Plugins 

For this reason plugin execution is disabled by default for every project until you confirm plugin execution in Project Settings > Enable plugins.

Only enable plugins for projects you trust. If you move or rename your project, you will need to re-enable plugins.

Installing Plugins 

There are two ways to install plugins: via your project dependencies or as files in the plugins folder.

Via NPM 

You can install plugins via the node package manager (NPM). Install a plugin with the following command:

1npm i --save-dev @wonderlandengine/plugin-cleanup-resources

Replace @wonderlandengine/plugin-cleanup-resources with any plugin you want to install. Running this command will create a new entry in the devDependencies section of your package.json file.

The plugin will then appear in Project Settings > Plugins.

Managing Plugins 

Sometimes you want to disable plugins to reduce UI clutter or to restore editor performance.

The list in Project Settings > Plugins shows which plugins are installed and available to be enabled.


Creating plugins is easy. You have three methods available:

Plugin Script 

A single script that can share dependencies with your main project package.json. We recommend you install any plugin-related dependencies as devDependencies (using --save-dev).

You can create a new plugin by creating the plugins folder in your project’s root, then right-click > New Plugin.

Make sure to install the @wonderlandengine/editor-api package in your project root:

1npm i --save-dev @wonderlandengine/editor-api

Plugin Directory 

Similarly to Plugin Scripts, create a plugins subfolder first, but then create yet another subfolder that you name according to your plugin.

In this folder you can create a new package.json file (e.g. via npm init).

Make sure to install the @wonderlandengine/editor-api package in that directory:

1npm i --save @wonderlandengine/editor-api

Note, --save instead of --save-dev, as you are not installing into your Wonderland Engine project, but into a separate plugin project.

Plugin Package 

If you want to share and distribute your plugin, you can npm init in a separate folder, and add the "wonderlandengine" key to your package.json.

Make sure to install the @wonderlandengine/editor-api package in that directory:

1npm i --save @wonderlandengine/editor-api

To use this local plugin in your project, npm i --save-dev <path-to-the-directory>, or publish it when ready and install it via the package, see Installing.