Directory Structure

Editor Folder Structure 

The Wonderland Editor installation contains the following folders:

 1Wonderland Editor
 2├── bin
 3│   ├── magnum
 4│   └── plugins
 5├── fonts
 6├── deploy
 7├── shaders
 8│   └── lib
 9└── js
10    ├── lib
11    └── components

bin contains binaries, plugins contains editor plugins, magnum contains scene and image importer plugins (they follow the interfaces defined by the open source Magnum graphics library).

fonts contains fonts that are used by the editor.

deploy contains the files for deployment, e.g. various versions of the WebAssembly runtime.

shaders contains the default shaders that come with Wonderland Engine. You can place your own custom shaders here.

js contains default javascript components (components) and libraries (libs).

To keep your project organized, we recommed the following project structure:

 2├── .editor/
 3│   └── state.json
 4├── cache/
 5├── deploy/
 6├── raw/
 7│   └── audio/
 8│       ├── audio_file.wav
 9│       └── ...
10├── assets/
11│   ├── models/
12│   │   ├── model_file.blend
13│   │   └── ...
14│   ├── scenes/
15│   │   ├── SceneFile.glb
16│   │   └── ...
17│   └── textures/
18│       ├── texture_file.png
19│       └── ...
20├── js/
21│   ├── components/
22│   │   ├── js-component.js
23│   │   └── ...
24│   ├── lib/
25│   |   ├── js-lib.js
26│   |   └── ...
27│   └── index.js
28├── plugins/
29├── shaders/
30├── static/
31│   └── audio/
32│       ├── audio_file.mp3
33│       └── ...
34├── package.json
35└── UnnamedWonderland.wlp

.editor stores files that are local to this developer. For example, state.json stores which views are open and which debug settings are enabled. This folder is usually excluded from source control.

deploy is the folder that Wonderland Editor will package your deployable project into. It is also the editor from which Wonderland Editor’s local webserver serves most files.

cache is used by Wonderland Editor to store files that take long to compute. This includes the result of texture compression, global illumination probes.

assets contains all asset for graphics and audio.

js contains all custom components and JavaScript libraries needed for them.

plugins contains your custom plugins.

shaders contains your custom shaders.

static contains files copied as-is into deploy. A file like static/sounds/mysound.mp3 will be accessible via URL as sounds/mysound.mp3.

package.json lists your project’s JavaScript package dependencies.

UnnamedWonderland.wlp is the main Wonderland Engine project file.