Continuous Integration
The Wonderland Editor Docker Image allows setting up efficient continuous integration and delivery of Wonderland Engine projects.
This page describes how to set up efficient automated builds and deployment with the most popular CI services:
Additionally, this page describes how to set up automation for uploading builds to:
Gitlab CI / Gitlab Pages
Using any docker runner (e.g. the shared runners) on Gitlab.
Your .gitlab-ci.yml
should look like follows:
2 - build
3 - deploy
6 image: wonderlandengine/editor:latest
7 stage: build
8 script:
9 # Set up the WLE_CREDENTIALS variable for WonderlandEditor to log in
10 - WonderlandEditor --windowless --package --project Project.wlp
11 cache:
13 paths:
14 - cache/
15 artifacts:
16 paths:
17 - deploy
20 image: alpine:3.14
21 stage: deploy
22 rules:
23 # Only deploy to pages on main/master branch
25 before_script:
26 - apk add gzip
27 script:
28 - gzip -k deploy/*.*
29 - mv deploy public
30 artifacts:
31 paths:
32 - public
is a variable containing an access token. We will configure it in the next
Find variables for Gitlab CI in the Gitlab web interface: Settings > CI/CD > Variables.
Click “Add Variable” and name it WLE_CREDENTIALS
. Its value should be an API-Token, which
you can retrieve in the account page, under “API-Token”.
Fill in the name and expiration date, then click “Create New API-Token”. The token can be
copied from the newly created entry at the top of the list.
For public projects make sure to enable “Protect variable” to prevent unmerged merge requests from being able to access the CI variable.
The most time-consuming task in the editor is compressing textures. This is significantly faster, if the results are cached (in the cache/ directory). It is therefore useful to either specify this folder for the CI cache, or check in the files into source control.
GitHub Workflows / GitHub Pages
Using any docker-enabled runner (e.g. the GitHub hosted runners) on GitHub.
Your workflow file (e.g. .github/workflows/github-pages.yml
) should look like follows:
1on: [push]
4 contents: read
5 pages: write
6 id-token: write
9 package:
10 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
11 container:
12 image: wonderlandengine/editor:latest
13 steps:
14 - name: Install Git
15 run: apt-get update && apt-get install -y git git-lfs
16 - uses: actions/checkout@v4
17 with:
18 lfs: true
19 - name: Package
20 run: /usr/local/bin/ WonderlandEditor --windowless --package --project Project.wlp --output ./public/
21 env:
23 - name: Gzip
24 run: find ./public/ -type f ! -name '*.gz' -exec gzip -k "{}" \;
25 - name: Upload artifact
26 uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v3
27 with:
28 path: ./public
30 deploy-pages:
31 needs: package
32 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
33 if: ${{ format('refs/heads/{0}', github.event.repository.default_branch) == github.ref }}
34 steps:
35 - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
36 uses: actions/deploy-pages@v4
is your project file.
is a secret containing email:password
. We will configure it in the next
The deploy-pages
job will only run on the default branch of your
repository (usually main
Find secrets for GitHub Workflows in the GitHub web interface: Settings > Secrets > Actions.
Click “New repository secret” on the top right and name it WLE_CREDENTIALS
Its value should be an API-Token, which you can retrieve in the account page,
under “API-Token”. Fill in the name and expiration date, then click “Create New API-Token”. The token can
be copied from the newly created entry at the top of the list.
Secrets are not passed to pullrequests from forks, which means your workflow may not run for pullrequests from outside collaborators.
Bitbucket CI
Using any docker-enabled runner (e.g. the GitHub hosted runners) on GitHub.
Your pipelines file (e.g. bitbucket-pipelines.yml
) should look like follows:
is your project file.
is a secret containing email:password
. We will configure it in the next
Note that Bitbucket currently does not offer a service for static page hosting like Gitlab Pages or GitHub Pages. Instead, you can combine this with deploy to netlify.
Deploy to Netlify
Here we are using Netlify CLI for the “continuous deployment”.
Configure .gitlab-ci.yml
as described in Gitlab CI.
Add deploy to the stages:
Then append the following deploy job to the end of the file:
Find variables for Gitlab CI in the Gitlab web interface: Settings > CI/CD > Variables.
Add a variable with a key as NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN
and set its value to the netlify access
token. You can create it here.
Similarly, add another variable with a key as NETLIFY_SITE_ID
. Set its value to the
“Site ID” of the site that you want to deploy. This will be found on
site settings > General > Site details > Site information
(In case you haven’t created a site, follow the guide
Publish to HeyVR
To publish from CI to HeyVR you can use the inofficial “heyvr-cli” package on npm.
The final publishing step needs to be done in the HeyVR developer portal.
Retrieve an API key in your HeyVR Account Settings under “Developer Access Token”.
Add a CI variable or secret HEYVR_ACCESS_TOKEN
with the token as a value.
For GitHub Workflows you need to add the token to the environment:
Pushing Builds
When pushing builds from CI, make sure the project is packaged into the
folder and add the following command to your CI script:
The “heyvr-game-id” is the slug of the game you created on heyvr.
For GitHub Actions, replace $CI_COMMIT_TAG
${{ github.ref_name }}
Publish to provides a CLI tool called “butler” for uploading builds to your game pages.
To automate publishing for Gitlab CI or GitHub Workflows, you will need to retrieve an API key by running:
1butler login
The command will print the path to the file it wrote API key to. Copy
the contents and add a CI variable or secret called BUTLER_API_KEY
See the documentation page for more information.
Installing Butler
To have the butler
command available on your CI job, you can use a
docker image that comes with butler pre-installed:
1 image: dosowisko/butler
Here we use dosowisko/butler, but there are many alternatives.
Pushing Builds
When pushing builds from CI, make sure the project is packaged into the
folder and add the following command to your CI script:
1 - butler push ./deploy user/game:channel-name
See the documentation page.
Explicit Version
You may also append an explicit version number when deploying from tags.
For Gitlab CI, use --userversion $CI_COMMIT_TAG
and for GitHub Actions
use --userversion ${{ github.ref_name }}