Custom Shaders

Guides on how to write your own shaders in Wonderland Engine.

Vertex vs Fragment Shaders 

In Wonderland Engine, we currently expose APIs for writing custom fragment shaders.

Material Struct 

The material struct defines the material properties to input to your shader and generate UI for.

This struct definition allows us to efficiently pack material inputs and generate unpacking code automatically in the {{ decoder }} placeholder of your shader.

An example material struct may look like this:

1struct Material {
2    lowp vec4 ambientColor;
3    mediump uint diffuseTexture;
4    lowp uint shininess;
5    lowp float ambientFactor;
6    mediump float amplifier;

Property Types 

The following property types are supported in combination with the lowp and mediump precision specifiers:

  • float, uint, int: Scalar values
  • vec2, vec3, vec4: Floating-point vectors
  • ivec2, ivec3, ivec4: Integer vectors


In Wonderland Engine lowp will always result in an 8-bit per component encoded type, mediump in a 16-bit encoded type (e.g., a half float) and highp, where supported, will be a 32-bit encoded type.


The following suffices have special meaning:

  • *Color: Will generate a color picker. Use lowp for LDR colors.
  • *Texture: Will generate a texture resource dropdown. Always use mediump.

Memory Alignment 

Due to how Wonderland Engine’s material packing works, most vector types require alignment to 32-bits. See precision for how to count bits per component.

Preprocessor Symbols 

To compile out pieces of a shader for performance, we allow have an extended preprocessor implementation.


You can define “Feature Symbols” in shaders to enable and disable pieces of your shader:


FEATURE_<name> is used to define a feature called <name>. These will be exposed in the Views > Resources > Pipelines settings in the “Features” list. If a feature is enabled, a symbol will be defined to match your feature name, e.g. ALPHA_MASKED in the above example (not FEATURE_ALPHA_MASKED).

Fragment Inputs 

Symbols prefixed with USE_<input> are used to enable shader inputs. You have the following options:

USE_POSITION_WORLDhighp vec3fragPositionWorld
USE_POSITION_VIEWhighp vec3fragPositionView
USE_TEXTURE_COORDShighp vec2fragTextureCoords
USE_TEXTURE_COORDS_1highp vec2fragTextureCoords1
USE_COLORmediump vec4fragColor
USE_TANGENTmediump vec4fragTangent
USE_OBJECT_IDmediump uintfragObjectId
USE_MATERIAL_IDmediump uintfragMaterialId
USE_NORMALmediump vec3fragNormal
USE_BARYCENTRICmediump vec3fragBarycentric


Wonderland Engine comes with a GLSL shader include system. Please reference existing shaders for which includes are commonly required.


Some special uniforms that are always available:

viewIndexuintIndex of current view being rendered.

For others, please use the shaders shipped with the editor as reference. Some of them are only available when enabled via a preprocessor symbol.