Wonderland Engine’s step towards enabling more and more jawdropping project scopes for WebXR projects on the web.
This page presents a glimpse into future versions of Wonderland Engine. With an Enterprise License, you may influence our priorities!
- Multi-Scene Workspaces: Easy switching between projects and improved JavaScript bundling for projects with multiple scenes.
- Athmospheric Procedural Sky: Procedural sky shader for easier setup of PBR environments.
- Crash Reporter: To continuously improve stability of the editor
- Text Drop Shadow: New effect for the text component.
- Bloom: Support in VR.
- WebGPU: More features for our experimental WebGPU renderer.
Smaller improvements
- Editor memory usage improvements
- Project loading optimizations
- Resource reference management
- Support for Cyrillic, Greek and extended Latin text in the UI
- Improved workflows for PBR rendering
- Further editor tools for multi-scene projects
- Stability improvements
- Memory usage improvements
- UX improvements
- Support for array and object parameters in JavaScript components
A tentative outlook:
- Baked Global Illumination: Using diffuse GI probe volumes.
- Particle System: An efficient particle system with authoring tools in the editor.
- Advances on the WebGPU Renderer: Further features on our WebGPU renderer.
- Web Game Templates: Various templates for Discord Activities, Telegram Mini Apps, CrazyGames SDK and more.